Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

Merry Christmas From the Bradley Residences

It's been a busy week, but it was packed with lots of fun and of course family.  The family (minus me) started off together on the eve of Christmas Eve at my grandma's house for some home made noodles (they're amazing, I had some of the leftovers), then we all met at Bayside to experience one of their 15 Christmas Eve candlelight services.  Not only was the lighting and music (led by Lincoln Brewster) spectacular as always, but the message and stories shared were uplifting and truly explained the "reason for the season" in a way that perhaps only Ray Johnston can do. We then headed to Fort Bradley (aka my house) for some Crab Cioppino, our traditional Christmas Eve dinner and then drove to Camp Bradley (aka my parents house) for dessert and Catch Phrase.
Christmas Day was spent at my parents house, where my two nephews got lots of great gifts, including Luke and Levi's favorites, a snow train and remote control boat.  After a prime rib dinner (another family tradition) we had some friends over for our reenactment of a picture taken about 22 years ago (the day we moved into the house). Although two of the original members were unable to make it, we have since added four kids and a few wives to the mix.

After a fun evening, that also included seeing True Grit, we spent the next day looking at houses in Rocklin and Roseville, in the off chance my brother and his family decide to move in the next few years and enjoyed a fabulous lunch at The Counter in The Fountains.  Luke enjoyed his grilled cheese and fries, as Levi slept and we enjoyed gourmet hamburgers, artisan fries and some great hang out time with my cousin Kara.  After lunch it was time to reward Luke with some time to play on the playground and then head back out for more house hunting in the El Dorado Hills area.

All in all we had a great time and I'm looking forward to Christmas 2011, wherever that ends up being (hoping for a cruise ship, but one of the Bradley residences would be great too).

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